I just checked with the Sec. of States Office and she officially reported that: On the first three _____________ County, the county that is written in those blanks is the name of the county were the persons signing the petition are registered. The one that states: CIRCULATOR'S AFFIDAVIT: STATE OF MISSOURI, COUNTY OF _________ should be the county were the petition is notarized. So do not fill that one in til you get your petitions notarized. In most cases, it will be where the petitioner lives; but in case it is not, it should the county where it is notarized. On the bottom of the page, you again use the county of all of the people who have signed that particular petition. Again do not filll this out til the time of the notarization. In other words, you use the name of the county where all of the signers are registered four times and the name of the county were the petitition is notarized only once. I do hope this clears up any misunderstanding from our talk last night. Again, thanks for all of the good work you are doing. Dee