Clean Energy Now!
Take Action for Earth Day
Our current addiction to coal, oil, and nuclear power imperils the world's climate, fouls the environment, harms human health, and results in the proliferation of nuclear materials. Communities of color and low-income communities bear a disproportionate share of environmental degradation and are frequently excluded from decision-making processes.
A transition to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources will combat global warming, protect our health, create new jobs, protect habitat and wildlife, and ensure a secure, affordable energy future. Where do you stand?
The Earth Day 2000 U.S. Clean Energy Agenda outlines common-sense ways to mobilize American ingenuity and resources for a rapid transition to renewable energy sources and a phase-out of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Adopting it will help the United States lead the world into a sustainable energy future.
Write a FREE fax to your senators urging them to support the Earth Day Clean Energy Agenda! Go to: